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Ezri Security Consultancy

15 Jan

Are you ready for an 30 million dollar lawsuits for breach of privacy?

Then hire us to test your system for blatant security risks today. 

You have been warned. 


Not Big Difference between On1 & On2

25 Dec

There’s no real difference between on1 & on2 salsa

What’s the real difference between On1 and On2 salsa?

The simple answer is not much other than starting direction which leads to emphasis.

Salsa On1

In classes the teachers count “one-two-three, five-six-seven”. This means we are stepping on the first three counts of the first bar, and the first three counts of the second bar. 

On the 4th and 8th beat we have a pause, where we stop moving which looks pretty unnatural, and actually most dancers do continue moving through the 4th and 8th beats. Some actually employ a Quick-Quick-Slow rhythm that becomes quickly unpractical in the club.

So what does that mean? A Quick Quick is 2 steps to 2 beats of music (stepping on each beat) and a Slow is 1 step to 2 beats of music (stepping on the 1st beat of the Slow). In On1, the Quick Quick steps are beats 1 and 2, and 5 and 6; while the Slow steps are beats 3 and 4, and 7 and 8.

Salsa On2

With On2, the difference is in the timing of the steps.

The lead takes his forward step on6 of the music, which is five beats later than On1; and the Quick Quick steps are 2 and 3, and 6 and 7; while the Slow steps are across beats 4&5, and 8&1. 

Some On2 dancers place the foot down on 4 and 8, while others step on 4& and 8&.

The Difference is simply the timing.

It really is a matter of personal preference because the difference in the timing gives light to the most important difference of all – the feeling of dancing On1 or On2. The Slow part of the Quick Quick Slow rhythm is at a different point. This gives the two styles a considerably different emphasis, and also, a different connection with the music. Only if you’re a quick quick slower. The other form of music connection is dictated by the musical mood, lyrics constants rhythmic changes. 


What is Tails Linux?

25 Dec

Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly.
It is a complete operating system designed to be used from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card independently of the computer’s original operating system. It is Free Software and based on Debian GNU/Linux.
Tails comes with several built-in applications pre-configured with security in mind: web browser, instant messaging client, email client, office suite, image and sound editor, etc.

My Russki

25 Dec

Доброе утро Good morning
Добрый день Good afternoon
Добрый вечер Good evening
Здравствуйте Hello
Привет! Hi!
Рад тебя видеть Nice to see you!
Как поживаешь? How are you?
Спасибо, прекрасно! Fine, thanks!
Неплохо Not so bad
Как Вас зовут? What’s your name?
Меня зовут… My name is…
Спасибо Thank you
Большое спасибо Thank you very much.
Не за что That’s all right
Пожалуйста You’re welcome
Извините Sorry!
Простите Excuse me
Ничего, ничего, пожалуйста That’s all right
Ничего страшного No harm
К сожалению, мне (нам) пора идти K I’m sorry I (we) should be going
До свидания Good-bye!
Пока Bye-bye!
Увидимся See you
Счастливого пути! Have a nice trip!
Вы говорите по-английски? Do you speak English?
Я плохо говорю по-русски My Russian is bad
Я не понимаю I don’t understand
Я понимаю I understand


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28 Dec

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